Democratic Convention

At the
airport there was a welcome message to greet us and let us
know that we were at the right place.

At the
convention it didn't take long to find Anit-Bush demostrations.

Phil at
the convention.

A great
example of a team working together.

Jerry Brown.

the debate Joe's team carried the message.

A great
example of supporters following their candidate with signs.

The voting
area (on the left) had quite a crowd outside of it. Supporters
were doing some last second campaigning shouting "We
want Steve!" and "We want Phil".

at the convention went smooth.

When voting
was nearly finished members of the "Ma Squad" were
waiting in the halls.

Cruz and
Paul take a moment for a picture.

Cruz and
Kevin also took a photo together. I didn't realize how short
he was until now :)